BKS Pvt. Ltd.
Bijaya Sahu

BKS Pvt. Ltd.

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For testing only. For testing only. For testing only.
For testing only
  • Industry : Work From Home
  • Functional Area : Work From Home, IT- Hardware / Telecom / Technical Staff / Support
  • Role In Organization : CEO/MD/Director, Head/VP/GM-Tech. Support
  • Industry that i hire for : Man power, Finance, Coaching, Agriculture And Allied Industries, Health care industry
  • Functional area that i hire for : Work From Home, IT- Hardware / Telecom / Technical Staff / Support
  • Skills for which I hire : jQuery, Visual Cafe, 4th Dimension, Accounting



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Job Posting by Company
  • Digital

    Job shift   Night
    Current vacancy   2
    Rs. 500000 - Rs. 1000000
    Viewed: 0
    Liked: 0
    Applied: 0


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    0.6 to 0.0 Year Surat
  • Sales Executive

    Job shift   Day
    Current vacancy   4
    Rs. 150000 - Rs. 250000
    Viewed: 2
    Liked: 0
    Applied: 4
    Accounting 4th Dimension Visual Cafe jQuery

    SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work only SEO work ...

    Viewed: 2 Applied: 4   More Details   Share:  

    0.6 to 2.0 Year Pune
  • SEO Executive

    Job shift   Day
    Current vacancy   2
    Rs. 10000 - Rs. 20000
    Viewed: 1
    Liked: 0
    Applied: 1
    Visual Cafe


    Viewed: 1 Applied: 1   More Details   Share:  

    Fresher Melbourne, Perth, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Gandhinagar, Mehsana
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