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      Prabaharan Dhanapal

      testr (Exp. Not Available)
      Chennai, Rs. 20000 - Rs. 50000



      About jobseeker:

      I have completed B.Tech(IT) and i have 2.8 years experience in Accenture(BPO). I am not interested in BPO filed so i am looking for IT jobs. I am doing Software Testing course Now i am completed Manual Testing and currently doing selenium automation testing also the selenium automation testing will be completed on August. I am fresher for IT field.

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      Priya Bhanushali

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)
      Not Available, Not Available


      Not Available

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      Daljit Singh

      Education (Exp. 24.24 Year)
      Delhi, Rs. 250000 - Rs. 500000


      AdministrativeSemantic CafeShade

      About jobseeker:

      Retired from Army as Hony Subedaar Major after completion of 30 years service.

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      Metho Seldon

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)
      Not Available, Not Available


      Not Available

      About jobseeker:

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